Summarising business publications and academic research
Complex documents have an important function in professional and academic contexts, in setting out significant information and providing evidence to support it. Such documents are valuable sources of information, but can be hard and time consuming to read. A clear executive summary enables busy people to engage with the key points and significant findings of such a document. Our professional writer specialises in writing summaries of lengthy guidance documents, reports and academic research papers.
Summary writing example: UK Quality Code for Higher Education
As a Technical Editor at the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), based in Gloucester, Rachel Beckett wrote a brief guide to the Quality Code. This was at the time a very long series of documents (over a thousand pages) setting out expectations for UK higher education providers. Following criticism from the Funding Councils, QAA decided to produce a summary document, a short guide. Rachel was invited to be the professional writer of this brief guide. Using information from the QAA website, and the documents themselves, she wrote the summary in a little over 24 hours.
Endorsement of this code of practice summary
The Director of Universities, Quality Enhancement and Standards at QAA confirmed that this publication was considered useful and had been popular with the higher education sector. It was soon reprinted after its first publication in 2015.
Summary writing example: Good Practice Case Studies in UK higher education
Rachel Beckett was also the professional writer of a booklet providing summaries of good practice findings in UK higher education provision. The case studies were supplied as longer write-ups from the institutions. Rachel wrote summaries of these, to a limited word length. These more accessible summaries were collected in a designed booklet for the QAA annual conference and proved popular both at and after the conference.
Endorsements of this case study summary
‘Wow – great editing, I found this really difficult [not] to cut out all the good stuff. Great to go.’
Case study author, Furness College
‘I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your work on the booklet for the annual conference session. It really made the session work and it looked great.’
Subscriber Account Manager, QAA
Summary writing examples: Research Summaries
Our professional writer undertook an extended project for the Association for Project Management, writing synopses or summaries of academic research papers. These were short briefings for business people and policymakers, summarising the key findings of academic research projects. Typically, a research paper of around 5000 words would be condensed into a two-page designed publication of 500 words written in a clear, engaging tone to give an overview of the research.
Endorsement of these research summaries
‘Thank you all for your great efforts on the APM Research Summary Series which continues to grow and receive hugely positive feedback.’
Research Manager, APM
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